Tuesday, February 24

redundantul redundantei

Scrie in comment un cuvant pe care nu l-am mai folosit de demult si n-as putea sa-ti zic unde s-ar putea folosi si cum.

Sunday, February 22

Credit crisis visualization

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 1)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 2)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 3)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 4)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 5)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 6)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 7)

Compania lui Dan Puric (Toti 5 - partea 8)

Wednesday, February 18

ai crede ca ar putea lumea sa ajunga asa din cauza vitezei cu care trebuie sa-si traiasca existenta?


Saturday, February 14

new club to join

just an idea.

maybe it will come up to reality

Friday, February 13

Aritmetica simpla

1 baril de petrol azi = ~ 35 dolari

1 baril de petrol = ~ 158 litri de petrol

petrolul trebuie rafinat ca sa iasa benzina

1 litru de benzina vandut la pompa = ~ 1 dolar

Wednesday, February 11

Alone in Tokyo - music by air "alone in kyoto"

Bellagio - Vegas

Saturday, February 7


Wednesday, February 4

50 people -> 1 question


Go pedal

It's Your Ride from Cinecycle on Vimeo.

Directed by Daniel Leeb of Cinecycle Productions.

This short film features Alfred Bobe Jr. and Fatimah Durkee. The film spins a visual ballad between the two cyclists experiencing the city in their own unique ways. Both cyclists are city dwellers who amidst the chaos of the concrete jungle have created a private and peaceful psychological space as they traverse the streets. They are both alone and yet they are both very much aware of each others presence. The film speaks to the harmony with one's environment that can be found while riding a bicycle in a city and the synchronistic connection we can have with those we have not even met. The short was commissioned by Hutchinson tires.